Author Raul F. O.

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Attropolis XIII

Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

Embraced together, the two stood still in the darkness of the night as he was crying, she became his rock, the one that grounded him and drained him of pain, sorrow or irrationality. In a sense she was more powerful then he could ever be, since he couldn’t control himself, the way she could and the way she dealt with problems and tragedies. The rain had stopped and both Greek soldiers and Roman legionnaires started patrolling the streets, helping those in need and trying to find survivors in the badly afflicted places. People were crying, screaming, some trapped under rubble either partially or completely. As the soldiers were roaming the city, healthy and capable citizens banded together too in order to help those befallen to this terrible disaster. As rain water was flowing down the muddy streets of Creetus, so was the blood of those that had their bodies crushed under the heavy stones and logs of wood. A few of them heard a scream, started taking the rubble and digging down towards the scream. Boulder after boulder the scream was getting fainter and fainter, when they finally got to him, they discovered a young man not older than twenty, burn to a crisp from the waist down, legs were ash all except bone, guts somehow still inside him intact, a miracle that he had survived for as long as he did or that he didn’t get crushed by anything above his waist. The poor young man, smile when he saw his neighbors then blissfully passed away. After taking him out of the rubble and leaving him on the street, they decided to investigate the next house, where they found Hippos and her hugging, with his parents tender burnt bodies on the floor next to them. One man came in a hurry to inform the people that there was a riot inciting in the middle of the town and that they should hurry there… The children were once again left on their own. The fight in the town center started after the governor was found dead and the Roman legionnaires suspected towns people taking advantage of the mess and had him assassinated. Yet there was no proof for any of that, so now the tensions were rising, blood was pumping, everyone was on edge. Suddenly a tall figure rose from the crowd, his presence had silenced everyone, the crowd fell to a hush, before they started killing each other like mad men for no reason. It didn’t take much for the Roman legionnaires to dampen the killing mood of the people of Creetus. Yet the Greek soldiers weren’t pleased with that, so they slaughtered the legionnaires and got independence back for Creetus, even if they had to pretend that their soldiers are part of the Roman Empire and had a governor. They were at least lead by one of their own. A man with a scar across his face that looked like a slingshot, tall like a mountain, blue eyes like they were frozen ice glistening. The towns people gathered all the afflicted children and he went to tend to them, suddenly he stops in his tracks as he sees one child that is familiar to him, slowly goes closer and closer to him and then picks up Hippos…

And then in Rome…

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