

Humans... The only beings that use articulate means of expressing themselves, but also censoring themselves.


We use different means of communicating with each other, either by spoken words, written words, sign language or body language. We use languages to express ourselves and transmit information and so on and so forth, I think you might know well what languages are used for. But we're also the only creatures to express, define and understand an infinity of things, essences, ideas, feelings and so on. So why censor any of it? Isn't the beauty of humanity to express ourselves in the words we use? Why is it that people think that a certain more vulgar way of expressing, and explaining things is crude and childish? I think that limiting the use of languages in any way is nothing but harmful and it let's language to be used as a tool for carefully crafted manipulation and masking of the truth. Even though the same limitations do backfire when it's used by public speakers or politicians. And when I say masking of the truth I don't mean conspiracy stuff, I am referring to everything. There's a way to express things directly and in a simple way, but the use of over-complicated words and censoring makes a cover for many loopholes and interpretations. Even for things that should be expressed directly.

And then there is the "Why?" when it comes to censoring, many people consider censoring of the language in movies or any type of content for what? To preserve the innocence of children? Not let children be exposed to profanity? Isn't that the same problem as the idea of sex talk? Where parents and society in general avoid talking about sexuality because they don't know how to explain it? Which leads to problems like what is consent and teen pregnancies? Not exposing children to profanity, sex and sexuality or violence, does not help them in any way, they will see or hear about it in any way, shape or form. And there won't be anyone to explain it to them, which like I said can lead to big unforeseen problems, because usually the response from authorities like parents or teachers is to scold the children, instead of educating them. Which ultimately will have the opposite result, making them want to use the words in the utmost worst way. Instead of being curious of why and learn to understand.

And while we're on it, we have to talk about sensitivity. I don't get the idea of being insulted, offended and so sensitive to words in the first place. Words can't bare any weight to them if you don't give them power in the first place, so being insulted because someone said something is plain stupid. Instead of being offended or insulted why not educate and talk to them? If that doesn't work then don't bother with them anymore, it just isn't worth it. And I have to mention again the fact that jokes, jokes are a free for all and it's the pure form of uncensored language. And bringing up people to be sensitive to jokes or any words for that matter, does nothing but... Well look at this past generations and today's generation to see how sensitive are people. Now I have to say this, I am not saying that being insulted, offended by words, jokes, insults is a bad thing. Because when it comes to certain things it is important to feel offended or insulted, but by words and ideas that diminish a certain group of people, being by ethnic, sexual preferences or human rights.

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