Author Raul F. O.

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Attropolis XII

Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

Shocked, distressed and embarrassed, they both were as he entered the chambers with the terrible news of her son dying. In the heat of the moment he pulled away and tore his throbbing cock out of her. She screamed as his dick simply tore out of her withering flower, blood started dripping down to her shit hole, she barely stood up, as it still hurt, and blood was now dripping onto the floor and down her legs. She started crying both from the pain of having a cock pulled out like spear from a fresh wound and the loss of her only son. Olanus tells the soldier to get a carriage as fast as possible whilst wiping the blood off the propagator’s tip. He was fuming with fury in his eyes. Alicaria on the ground crying in a puddle of blood, slowly and gently he picked her up in his arms, carrying her down the stairs. People were looking, murmuring and already starting rumors about what had happened in those chambers. Some saying that she had a miscarriage, knowing full well that Olanus as big as he was, would never harm a woman. Yet they were looking at her like she was a witch that had charmed him and now was just pretending for his pity. As they got to the carriage, he placed her down gently, and sat next to her. She couldn’t stop crying, with a soft voice he told the chauffeur her address and to hurry. He instantly whipped the horses and they started galloping through the streets of Rome. The barely paved streets even in Rome were horrible, as the horses were galloping, the carriage was bumping and jumping from hole to hole, shaking up and down, side to side. Olanus did try to keep Alicaria as safe as possible and to hold her so she wouldn’t suffer more than she was already suffering. Yet it was all too little too late. With every hole and bumps she would jump and come down with a force that would slam her vagina to the seat of the carriage. Every time that would happen she would let out a scream, and blood gushed out of her, making her sore, but this time not in a pleasant way. It wasn’t a pleasant ride for him either, as he would hit is head on the top of the carriage and would usually either crack the skin on his head or break the roof. It took them twenty minutes to get to her home, she could barely walk right now and he was dizzy from all the head banging from the ride. They took a few minutes to recover, then he got out of the carriage and smacked the chauffeur over the head a few times for being careless and as retribution for his head injuries. He helped her down, took her in his arms, and they both slowly entered the house. It was a putrid smell, there was already a darkness in and around the house. They both slowly took some steps towards the bed, where they finally saw his body. The foam from his mouth had already dried up, so was the blood and cum. Enraged he told the chauffeur to go fetch the soldier that had found the child in this poor state, and get him the few men that were supposed to patrol this region. Alicaria, was on her knees, sobbing, screaming that this fate should have been hers, not her child’s. The pain only grew in both of them, so was the sorrow and frustration to the fact that there’s nothing much to do right now, but mourn his death and avenge him.

And in Greece…

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