Author Raul F. O.

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Attropolis XXXI

The Macedonians and the Greeks were slowly building up their forces to try and take down the Roman empire and escape their claws and join Creetus. Knowing that the Romans would tighten their hands around their neck, and that they’re on their way to strangle them, this felt like their only chance to fight back. But this proved to be a really hard task, one or two persons missing wasn’t a big task, but building an entire uprising under the stern eyes of Roman legionnaires was something immense. Pretending to be ignorant, pretending to be satisfied with your life as is under certain people and being content with how things are, isn’t a small feat. Especially when you have the urge to really destroy those oppressors and feel free for the first time in years. For the first time in years, not feeling trapped during the seasons of the year.

Night after night, they’d look to find a way around the soldiers, but, the watch over the citizens got stricter by day and by night. Nothing was to escape the watchful eyes of the soldiers patrolling the streets of any and all cities. Everyone was on high alert, the tension was palpable, both people and soldiers were petrified, unable to move naturally or make any sudden moves. As if there were two snakes prepared to strike one another. The blacksmiths were crafting more weapons and smuggling them, one for the Romans, two for their own. The armorers were doing the same thing. Working longer hours, to give themselves a fighting chance, as they learned and stole technique from the conquerors . The food makers were giving the soldiers worse and worse products, sabotaging their crops and production. The traders were always sacked of their imported goods for the Roman soldiers. Or they were getting into accidents.

These things felt like they gave them an advantage over the Roman arms, it felt like they struck smartly upon a larger foe, much like a rattle snake on a lion. Thus there were some that would be even more daring, putting out traps at night, so the Romans would step into them, trying to pick the soldiers off one by one. Yet in one of those faithful nights, a few of them were found out, decapitated and had their heads put up on sticks as examples. In front of the sticks, the traps they were using. This terrified people, but most of all, started a bright fire in everyone, but especially in those that were indifferent. Which meant that they were motivated to do more, better and quicker.

And on Trail North

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